Tree Removal Adelaide

One of the biggest tree troubles any of us can experience is the moment that they have to come down. Tree removal can be dangerous, but with the help of the professionals it doesn’t have to be. Our team can deal with all your removals and we can even handle troublesome palm trees. Instead of taking a risk and cutting it yourself, consider putting down the saw and picking up the phone to call our professional team.
Small or Large Tree Removal
No matter their size, the time might come where you have to say goodbye to your trees. That’s because it’s not always size or shape that causes the problem. Regardless of whether it’s big or small, a full tree removal service will involve a safe and precise extraction from your yard, from the roots all the way up to the leaves.
Our team of professionals can identify whether your species needs removing and find the most effective way to complete the job.
When Do You Need to Act?
There are a range of reasons why you might need our professional tree workers to come to you. Some reasons you might need to remove your tree include:
- It has died or is severely declining in health
- It is too close to buildings, plumbing, swimming pools, power lines etc.
- It is leaning dangerously
- You’re doing major renovations or extensions
- You want to clear the view or allow for extra light
- Major diseases and infestation
- Interior decay
Identifying Serious Tree Trouble
Some of the reasons for removing your tree will be obvious but things like internal damage or infestation aren’t common knowledge. If you have noticed growths on the trunk or branches, an increased insect presence or similar changes you should contact us for a free, no-obligation consultation. Regular pruning and maintenance by our team will also go a long way to identifying hard to find problems and hopefully preventing them before it’s too late! In certain circumstances it may be necessary to use additional equipment in order to complete a tree removal safely.
Northern Tree Services can take care of your trees for you and even remove them entirely if they’re beyond help. Our services are safe and efficient and our experts can deal with more difficult cases like palm trees and their invasive roots. As well as our commitment to great customer service, we keep our prices affordable so you don’t need to worry about your budget.